I've Got A New Website
Well look here if it isn’t my new shiny website! I’m going to keep this fairly quick because nobody wants to read a long and boring introductory post. And in lieu of an about page which I haven’t written or wired into the site’s structure yet, I do probably need to mention a few things about myself.
So: I am a computer programmer by trade. I work mostly with .NET at the moment writing web applications, but I’m interested in and rather passionate about a lot of other languages and technology stacks. I like things that are unconventional, cutting-edge and built to help me write better software, so I follow closely languages like Haskell, Clojure and Idris, and use them in my own projects.
When I’m not at work I spend quite a lot of time at the dojo training in aikido. I’m currently a shodan (first-degree black belt) with Shudokan Aikido, and an assistant instructor.
So when I’m not doing that I play music. I play recorder (in which I got my grade 8 last year), viola da gamba (look it up, but imagine a cello with seven strings and frets and gut strings and you’re in the right territory), sing (mostly folk songs) and I recently started learning the violin.
And when I’m not doing that I am a morris dancer, which I started just around the time I took my grade 8 recorder exam in November 2013. I dance with Makeney Morris, a newly-formed Cotsworld morris side.
It was the morris which got me into playing the violin again, but I’ll talk about that in another post…
…and in fact, it was the violin which got me into having a blog again, but I’ll talk about that in another post too – the first violin-themed post, that will be, coming up some time in the next couple of days.
I’ll leave you with a quick bit of technical information. This site is (currently) entirely static content on the server, and generated locally from a bunch of Liquid templates and Markdown files by Jekyll. I then rsync the results up onto the server and voila! Much less hassle than maintaining a WordPress installation anyway.
At some point I might switch to a server-side implementation. That’s quite likely to be written in Haskell.